Europe 2024
The Inter Rail is a train ticket that allows
you to take all trains from most European countries for the time
you choose. Thanks to it thousands of young people have known
Europe and enjoyed unique experiences.
- Three weeks of train and camp. It will be the
most likely option this year, starting the last week of
June and ending in mid-July. In between you will have a
week of camp at our "base camp" in the Czech Republic,
sharing activities with other groups. The price of the
activity includes transportation (trains, buses,
subways, trams...), lodging, meals, full board, and
accidents insurance.
- In the itinerary of Central Europe, the farthest goal of our journey is Vilnius, we will start by going north and then east. There are a few mandatory points along the way, but the final itinerary is decided every day. This adventure costs 1,150 euros, all included (train and bus tickets, accommodation, meals and accident insurance).
- On the itinerary to Greece we started flying to Central Europe and from there we passed through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and finally the Parthenon in Athens :-). In these countries we have friends with whom we will share some time. Slovakia and Romania will be important stops, where we will develop "mini-camps". The price of the activity to Greece is 980 € + airplane tickets, and it includes transportation (trains, buses, subways, trams...), lodging, meals, full board and accident insurance.
- The Great Inter-Rail. It is the great trip around Europe that we have in our pending tasks. It's about reaching the four corners of Europe, starting from Spain we go to the north of Sweden, go down through the Baltic countries, cross central Europe until we reach Greece and return through Italy. The adventure will include some travel by ferry.

It is a journey, but it is much
- During two weeks there will only be four or five nights in a hostel, the rest of the days you will have to sleep in the trains (not always in bunk beds) or in the stations waiting for trains.
- The food budget is limited and it is up to the participants to manage it.
- Each participant will be responsible for guiding the group through one of the cities we will pass through.
- In first instance the plan is to visit cities in 9 countries in 14 days, to achieve this we will go through 12 countries. It is a complicated goal, but in the attempt is much of the fun.
- Once on the road the plans usually change, always to improve :-) For example, in the Inter-Rail in the summer of 2010 we changed the itinerary 3 times for different reasons and in the end we visited 4 more countries than planned. In 2012 we didn't arrive in Romania but instead we were able to visit Zagreb and Nice, which were not initially in the plans..
To be able to come with us you have
to fulfill two requirements:
- Be a good student.
- Leave the phone at home.
Do you want to be the change?